Vertigo of various origins has been successfully treated with acupuncture
(Zhang, Luo & Bo 1991). In some cases, patients’ complaints
of “vertigo” may be caused by a reflex response to increased
neck muscle tension. Acupuncture to neck muscles may relieve these
cases (Carlsson & Rosenhall 1990). Uncontrolled clinical impressions
by acupuncturists indicate that moderate vertigo (notably in older
patients) can be relieved by acupuncture (Mann 1974, Campbell 1987).
S, Luo Y, Bo M 1991. Vertigo treated with scalp acupuncture.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 11(1):26-28. RESULTS:
Carlsson J, Rosenhall
1990 Oculomotor disturbances in patients with tension headache
treated with acupuncture or physiotherapy. Cephalalgia
Mann F 1974 Acupuncture
in auditory and related disorders. British Journal of Audiology
Campbell A 1987 Acupuncture:
the modern scientific approach. Faber & Faber, London.