Marks, Emery & Onisiphorou (1984) emphasized the similarities between tinnitus and chronic pain: both are maintained by feedback loops; afferent signals can be inhibited centrally so that both may respond to acupuncture stimulation; lignocaine may produce an improvement that outlasts its anesthetic effect; and there are certain similarities in the personalities of the sufferers of the two conditions. However, in clinical trials acupuncture has not been found as effective for tinnitus as it is for chronic pain. A certain proportion of sufferers feel they benefit from acupuncture (Nilsson Axelsson & De 1992, Thomas Laurell & Lundeberg 1988; Podosjin et al 1989). In one study, 9 out of 20 cases had reduced tinnitus following electrical stimulation at acupuncture points. Six reported sustained relief with treatments continuing over 3 months (Kaada, Hognestad & Haustad 1989). Travell & Simons (1983) described unilateral tinnitus associated with myofascial trigger points in masseter muscle, which largely correspond to traditional acupuncture points. The balance of the evidence suggests that acupuncture may have a supportive role in a therapeutic program for tinnitus alongside cognitive and relaxation techniques, but it may be necessary to continue therapy in the long term for a sustained effect.
Click here to read a testimonial from one of our patients describing how acupuncture treatment relieved his tinnitus of several decades.
Marks N J, Emery P, Onisiphorou C 1984 A controlled trial of acupuncture in tinnitus. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 98:1103-1109
Nilsson S, Axelsson A, De G L 1992 Acupuncture for tinnitus management. Scandinavian Audiology 21:245-251.
Thomas M, Laurell C, Lundeberg T 1988. Acupuncture for the alleviation of tinnitus. Laryngoscope 118:664-667.
Podoshin L, Ben-David Y, Fradis M, Gerstel R, Felner H 1989 Idiopathic subjective tinnitus treated by biofeedback, acupuncture and drug therapy. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal 70(5): 284-289.
Kaada B, Hognestad S, Haustad j 1989 Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TNS) in tinnitus. Scandinavian Audiology 18:211-217.